This is a windows based application system that was designed to simulate an Automated Teller Machine. The application was designed with a user-friendly interface that would enable customers to perform basic transactions like withdrawals, checking of account balance and deposits.
Some features of the software
1. Withdrawals
2. Account Balance Inquiry
3. Create New Accounts
4. Deposits
5. PIN Verification
Hardware Requirements
1. A minimum of Pentium 4 with a speed of 1.3 GHz.
2. A minimum RAM capacity of at least 512MB.
3. Hard disk capacity of at least 100mb free space.
Software Requirements
1. Windows 7 and above
Some Snapshots

How to get the software (source codes, flowchart e.t.c)
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Installation Instructions
1. Open the package folder
2. Open the setup folder
3. Double click the setup file