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Online birth and death registration system

 Category:Project Software Manuals  
 By: usericon Nonny01  

 Created: 11/19/2017 6:47:00 PM


Civil registration system

This is a web-based database management system that was developed to enable the management of the institution keep accurate record of death and birth rate statistics. Using the software, a user can quickly view up-to-date records of births/deaths, statistics of birth rate/death rate and population density. This information is very vital because it would be used in areas such as national planning, national identity and national development

Some features of the software


1. Add/Edit/Delete Birth/Death Records
2. Add/Edit/Delete Birth/Death Rates
3. Add/Edit/Delete System Users
4. Manage Population Density

Hardware Requirements

1. A minimum of Pentium 4 with a speed of 1.3 GHz.
2. A minimum RAM capacity of at least 512MB.
3. Hard disk capacity of at least 100mb free space.

Software Requirements

1. Windows 7 and above
2. Wamp Server
3. Web Browser (Firefox or Chrome)

Some Snapshots

Online birth and death registration system


Online birth and death registration system

How to get the software(source codes, flowchart e.t.c)

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Installation Instructions

1. Download and install Wamp server
2. Open the package folder
3. Copy the first folder to C:\wamp\www
4. Create a new database in localhost/phpmyadmin and import the SQL file in the folder


ibrahymshifau May. 25, 2020

i am currently working in a NGO in a village, and we are having issues about managing the citizenship data. i would like to request for this



nonny01 May. 25, 2020

Sorry, this project isn't free


Anonymous Jun. 29, 2020

this is intersting



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