FarmPlus is a web-based records keeping system designed to help farmers organize and manage their inventory/agricultural business. FarmPlus also goes further to monitor deliveries and payment transactions, generate reports and keep track of farmers within the system.
Some features of the software
1. Monitor Transaction/Payments
2. Manage Employees
1. Monitor Deliveries
2. Generate Reports
1. Manage Farmers
2. Add/Edit/Delete Employees
3. Add/Edit/Delete Deliveries
4. Monitor Transactions/Payments
5. Manage App Settings
Hardware Requirements
1. A minimum of Pentium 4 with a speed of 1.3 GHz.
2. A minimum RAM capacity of at least 512MB.
3. Hard disk capacity of at least 100mb free space.
Software Requirements
1. Windows 7 and above
2. Wamp Server
3. Web Browser (Firefox or Chrome)
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Installation Instructions
1. Extract the package folder
2. Copy the folder to C:\wamp\www
3. Create a new database in localhost/phpmyadmin and import the SQL file in the folder