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Web-based final year students research project supervision management system (PHP source codes)

 Category:Project Software Manuals  
 By: usericon nonny01  

 Created: 4/4/2019 5:32:00 PM


Research project supervision tool

Final year project (FYP) supervision management tool is a web-based solution designed to automate students' research project tasks. The application keeps a repository of students projects and their supervisors, tracks students project progress, and maintains student and supervisor meeting logs. Using the application, project supervisors would be able to improve project monitoring and supervision, evaluate, grade, send feedbacks and remarks.

Some features of the software


1. Upload Log/Activities
2. Communicate with Supervisors via Email
3. Request Appointment Timeslots
4. Get Notifications and Deadline Dates


1. Review and Evaluate Projects
2. Monitor Student’s Progress
3. Send Email to Students
4. Schedule Meetings with Students
5. Grade Projects

External Examiners

1. Review and Evaluate Projects
2. Evaluate Internal Demo
3. Grade Projects


1. Register/Manage Students
2. Assign Students to Supervisors.
3. Manage Project Repositories
4. Add/Edit/Delete Supervisors/External Examiners
5. Sets the System Development Schedule

Hardware Requirements

1. A minimum of Pentium 4 with a speed of 1.3 GHz.
2. A minimum RAM capacity of at least 512MB.
3. Hard disk capacity of at least 100mb free space.

Software Requirements

1. Windows 7 and above
2. Wamp Server
3. Web Browser (Firefox or Chrome)

Some Snapshots


Web-based final year students research project supervision management system (PHP source codes)


Web-based final year students research project supervision management system (PHP source codes)

How to get the software (source codes, flowchart e.t.c)

Call or send us a message via contact us
Get the documentation/project material

Installation Instructions

1. Download and install Wamp server
2. Open the package folder
3. Copy the first folder to C:\wamp\www
4. Create a new database in localhost/phpmyadmin and import the SQL file in the folder


Anonymous Jun. 25, 2019

A really good project. Can you please share the source code?




Anonymous Nov. 7, 2019

plesae send me its implementation also by my email




Anonymous Nov. 12, 2019

can i have the source code?and also the database of sql?




newuserken May. 6, 2020

Nice Project. Can i pls have the source code to this project with the sql database. Thanks




Anonymous Jun. 25, 2020

Can i pls have the source code to this project with the sql database. Thanks




Anonymous Jul. 10, 2021

Can i pls have the source code to this project with the sql database. Thanks




Anonymous Dec. 2, 2021

nice.how can i get the source code



Anonymous Dec. 10, 2024

I need source code


Anonymous May. 3, 2023

Please provide me the the Source and sql




Anonymous May. 21, 2023

Can l have the source code




johnjohn Feb. 15, 2024

pls i need this project source code with the sql database send me its implementation also by my email




Anonymous Feb. 21, 2024

Please, could you send me this project source code with the SQL database by email




Anonymous Jan. 30, 2025

It is nice project please tell me how to download




Anonymous Feb. 19, 2025

Please, could you send me this project source code with the SQL database by email. thanks



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