Conflict management as a strategy for enhancing employee’s productivity in public organizations Department:Office Technology and Management By: kunledavid Project ID: 2597 Rating: (3.1) votes: 16 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThis study is to examine the conflict management as a strategy for enhancing employee’s productivity in public organization. The purpose of the study is to explain conflict management strategies impact on employee’s productivities in public organization. The population of the study consists of employees of Ado Local Government Ado-Ekiti. Sixty (60) staff were randomly selected from the Local Government as the sample size for the study. Questionnaires were used to collect data for the study. The data collected were analyzed using percentage frequency method. Findings revealed that lack of motivation affects employee’s performance and unmanaged conflicts affects employee’s efficiency and creativity in the organization which negatively affect the products and services of the organization. Based on the findings, the study concluded that conflict management is important in decision making in an organizational conflict. Based on the conclusion, it was recommended that management should encourage and promote interpersonal relationships among co-workers to improve on their morale. There is need for constant communication between management and the employees to clarify issues....Preview Download Preview +Other Office Technology and Management project topics and materials you might be interested in»Causes and effects of leakages of confidential information in business organization»The impact of modern office equipment on the secretary’s performance (A case study of Owerri municipal) »Effect of good filing system on productivity of a secretary (a case study of staff personnel in federal polytechnic Nekede, Owerri)»The impact of modern office machines on secretaries»Office skill competencies needed by secretaries for effective job performance»Effect of poor communication skills on the performance of secretaries in an organization (A case study of Nigeria Agip oil company, Port Harcourt, Rivers state) »Gender differences and similarities in career choice among secretarial administration students»Factors affecting students' performance in shorthand»Emerging challenges facing office technology and management students in information technology era»Impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on secretarial performance in public service in Owerri municipal»Professional ethics required of office manager in a changing office environment (A case study of selected institutions in Owerri, Imo state) »The effect of technological advancement on the job performance of office managers»Human relations skills required of office technology and management graduates in business organization»The challenges facing newly employed secretaries in selected ministries in Imo state»The impact of automation on the performance of secretaries (A case study of the west Africa examination council, WAEC, Enugu)