Home»Building Technology» Maintenance and servicing problems of specialist works in building

Maintenance and servicing problems of specialist works in building

 Department:Building Technology  
 By:usericon vicbest01  

 Project ID: 267
 Rating:  (1.9) votes: 247
The study considered the maintenance and servicing problems of specialist works in buildings. It shall identify the cause of damages to these specialist works.  a unit of hero’s apartment Owerri was taken as a case study due to the on-going maintenance work on the buildings for effective research work to be achieved,  questionnaires will be distributed to all the professionals on site including some specialist and also some will be generated from texts and journals. The research questions and hypothesis shall be formulated which will guide the study. Conclusions will be made on the problems encountered during the maintenance of specialist works.  And pointing out how sometimes the problems can affect some part or the entire building and how these problems result due to inefficiency on the part of the specialist and lack of proper supervision, use of low-quality materials, lack of data and information that can guide the maintenance work. Several recommendations will be provided to assist the maintenance work....
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