An appraisal of Charles Sanders Peirce on abduction Department:Philosophy By: annaberry92 Project ID: 2969 Rating: (3.2) votes: 11 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractAbduction is a basic form of inference, which is said to influence the use of perpetual models and all aspects of intelligent behavior that have failed to find representation in the existing formal deductive system. Abductive inference is one of the three fundamentals modes of logical reasoning, the others being deduction and induction characterized by Peirce as the basis of scientific inquiry. Deduction makes its conclusion from a universal or general statement while that of induction; conclusion is reached from a particular observable phenomenon. Abduction is not to make assertions but to determine the hypothesis or proposition to test. Abduction generates an explanatory hypothesis, deduction leads to establishment or discovery of truth around the world and induction gives us probable assertions. This study is in four chapters. Chapter one contains a general overview of abduction, chapter two discusses Charles sanders pierce and his notion on abduction, chapter three contains some critical appraisal of the concept of abduction and finally chapter four summarizes all the preceding chapters. Our aim is to give an appraisal of Charles sanders Peirce on abduction an inference for both scientific inquiries and in every activity of life. In conclusion philosophers of science have argued that abduction is the cornerstone of scientific methodology....Preview Download Preview +Other Philosophy project topics and materials you might be interested in»Is Man Really Free - An Evaluation of Thomas Aquinas View on the Problem of Freedom and Determinism»Jeanpaul sartres notion of absolute freedom - an ethical analysis and its implications for contemporary society»The linguistic relevance of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s conception of language game in Nigeria»Thomas Aquinas human dignity and Igbo society»An appraisal of Charles Sanders Peirce on abduction»J.S Mill on individual autonomy and the good life - a critique»Peter singers philosophical analysis on animal liberation»An examination of Wilhelm Leibniz theory of innate ideas»A philosophical analysis of Augustine’s notion of God’s existence»Islam’s perspective on euthanasia - an ethical analysis