The need for guidance and counselling services among Nigeria University students - a case study of some selected universities in Nigeria Department:Guidance and Counselling By: Besterine97 Project ID: 3224 Rating: (3.1) votes: 16 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThis research work empirically explored the need for guidance and counselling services among Nigeria University students. The objectives of this study were to ascertain the level of provision of guidance and counselling services among Nigeria Universities, establish the relationship between guidance and counselling and university students’ performance. The scope of the study is all Nigeria universities, the Eric Erikson’s Psychoanalytic theory of development Model was used as a framework. The research design used for this study is survey, the population targeted for this study consists of student and staff of some selected Nigerian universities, a total of 300 students and staff was used as sample size, 300 questionnaires administered to students and staffs and cluster sampling technique was applied. Instrument used for this study is the questionnaire. Data collected were collected from primary sources. From the analysis of the data, the findings show that the level of provision of guidance and counselling services among Nigeria Universities is minimal, there exist a relationship between guidance and counselling services and student performance. Following the findings, it was recommended that the level of provision of guidance and counselling services among Nigeria Universities should be raised, various strategies that will help raise the level of students performance in schools should be adopted such as provision of guidance and counselling services. The study reliably concludes that improving the level of provision of guidance and counselling service in schools has a positive impact on Nigeria educational system in particular and Nigeria in general. Keyword: guidance, counselling, guidance and counselling, academic performance, educational system, Nigeria University. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Guidance and Counselling project topics and materials you might be interested in»Evaluation of guidance and counselling services in selected secondary schools in Maiduguri, Borno state»The need for guidance and counselling services among Nigeria University students - a case study of some selected universities in Nigeria»An evaluation of guidance and counseling services on the academic performance of biology students in selected secondary schools»The effects of drug abuse on the academic performance of secondary school students»An evaluation into the challenges of nursing mothers on academic performance among students»The influence of social media on academic performance of students in Kaduna state college of education, Gidan Waya»The role of guidance and counseling among traumatized students in some selected schools»Perception of students on the influence of guidance and counselling on academic achievement of secondary school»Influence of drug substance on students learning behaviour in Zarumai Model Secondary School Minna, Niger state»Knowledge and utilization of contraceptive service among female student of Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai»Influence of cyber bullying on self image on students of Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai»The influence of guidance and counselling services on career choice of secondary school students in Bosso lga, Niger state»Parental influence on the choice of career among senior secondary school students in Bida lga, Niger state»Influence of broken homes on attitude among guidance and counseling student of Federal University Dutsin-ma»Impact of social media addiction on academic performance among undrgraduate students of Ibrahim Badaamasi Babangida University, Lapai Niger state