Effect of particle size on oil yield using scent bean seed (ozaki) Department:Chemical Engineering By: felix123 Project ID: 366 Rating: (2.4) votes: 192 Price:Free Download MaterialAbstract This project was done to extract and characterize bean oil according to their particle sizes. The experiment was carried out using scent bean (i.e.‘Ozaki’,‘Ijilizi’or‘Azamu’) as a sample. The oils were extracted by solvent extraction/leaching extraction using n-hexane. Proximate analysis was carried out to obtain percentage moisture content, ash content, total oil content, protein content and carbohydrate content of the extracted oils. From observation, it was noticed that as the diameter of the sieve decreased, the quantity of oil obtained increased...Preview Download Preview +Other Chemical Engineering project topics and materials you might be interested in»Modification of surface, physical and chemical properties of activated carbons for water purification»Analysis of bush pear and its oil»The kinetic study on hydrolysis of cellulose (saw-dust)»Effect of particle size on oil yield using scent bean seed (ozaki)»Refining of palm kernel oil»Assessment of carbon monoxide (CO) level in Enugu metropolis monitoring industrial and residential area»Production of briquette from waste materials using locally fabricated equipment»Design, fabrication and test run of a single column vegetable oil refiner»Analysis of vegetables oil before and after refining