Risk management and money deposit bank profitability - case study of First Bank Department:Banking and Finance By: samadchuks Project ID: 4649 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1 Price:₦3000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThe aim of this study was on risk management and bank profitability in deposit money banks using - case study of First Bank Plc. The study started with an attempt to state the problem that motivated the study which First Bank seeks to manage. Risk management culminated in the deposit money bank to help reduce the risk of system failure and avoid the disruptions caused by the financial crisis in deposit money bank. The study, therefore, was done to critically assess its impact on Nigeria First Bank. The method for data collection was by questionnaires, we also made use of primary and secondary data. We could conclude therefore that there is a positive relationship between risk management and prudential banking and credit portfolio of deposit money bank and deposit money bank liquidity. The finding indicated that First Bank now takes minimized and calculated financial risk as a result of the impact of risk management. And it also indicated that confidence and stability have been restored in the banking sector as a result of the strict risk management regulations. The following recommendations among others were made that the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) need to ensure regular examination of deposit money bank so that problem of systematic financial risk could be detected early before the situations get out of hands. Deposit money banks such as First Bank should as much as possible employ qualified risk management and staff. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Banking and Finance project topics and materials you might be interested in»The role of central bank of Nigeria (CBN) in the development of Nigeria financial sector»Appraisal of the economic implication of electronic banking in Nigerian banks (A case study of diamond bank)»The impact of strategic planning on banks performance in Nigeria (A case study of united bank for Africa plc)»Evaluation of the impact of liquidity management on banks performance in Nigeria ( A case study of UBA )»The roles of central bank of Nigeria in the prevention of bank failure or liquidation (A case study of central bank of Nigeria 2005-2009)»The role of financial institutions in promoting banking habit and saving capital formation in Nigeria»The effect of electronic banking on fraud reduction in bank (A case study of access bank plc)»The effectiveness of monetary policy measures in controlling inflation in Nigeria»Problems and challenges facing finance houses in the Nigerian economy ( A case study of mortgage bank owerri )»The role of deposit money bank in Nigeria in economy development in Nigeria - a case study of Access Bank Plc»Motivation as a way of reducing fraud in banking industry ( A case study of UBA and Fidelity bank )»Identification and management of bad debts in Nigeria commercial banks(A case study of UBA plc)»The impact of insurance industry on the economic growth of Nigeria (A case study of nicon and hallmark insurance companies 2005-2009)»The contribution and effect of computer to modern day banking in Nigeria (A case study of zenith bank and first bank plc)»The use of accounting information in assessing control and performance in an organization (A case study of first bank of Nigeria owerri)