Home»Building Technology» The need for building survey in Nigerian cities - case study of Imo state

The need for building survey in Nigerian cities - case study of Imo state

 Department:Building Technology  
 By:usericon Arinze1  

 Project ID: 5225
 Rating:  (5.0) votes: 1
The study investigated the need for building survey analysis in Nigerian cities using Imo state as a cases study. Four hypotheses and four research questions were formulated to guide the study. The study involved a simple random sample backed with a modified Likert scale response format. The study discovered poor utilization of professionals in building to undertake if any building survey analysis, poor level of building survey records for properties sampled, poor level of supervision by the professional bodies (NIOB and CORBON) and very poor level of government partnership with the relevant professional bodies in the enforcement of building survey analysis. Based on the findings, the following recommendations were made the private and public sector should undertake the building survey analysis to derive the benefit accrued to it, the professional bodies embark on education and enlightenment camping on their activities, the government should make building survey analysis as part of the requirement for granting certificate of occupancy, among all pass into law the national building code and financial institution should make it as part of requirements for granting loans to properties.             ...
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