Home»Co-Operative Economics and Management» Cooperative as an antidote to economic growth of Imo state (case study of Avu Ikeduru local government area)

Cooperative as an antidote to economic growth of Imo state (case study of Avu Ikeduru local government area)

 Department:Co-Operative Economics and Management  
 By:usericon samadchuks  

 Project ID: 5458
 Rating:  (5.0) votes: 1
Academic work is time-consuming and costly for ages. Generations to come cannot know what their predecessors know without research into the area. The importance of cooperative society towards Nigeria's economy cannot be overemphasized. These societies are needed for economic growth, especially in rural areas where there is no or low development and also in urban too. Analysis has shown that cooperative societies have contributed creditability to the development in the sense that raw materials needed by our local industries can be produced totally by cooperative society, especially the multi-purpose cooperative society instead of being imported (raw materials) from abroad. This research work, therefore, studies the contributions of cooperative society to the economic development of our economy. Fact about this contribution are extracted from textbooks, articles, diaries, lecture notes and both local and foreign website. A glimpse at the various chapter of this work tends to explain the contribution cooperative societies have made so far. This project is divided into five chapters firstly, it gives an insight to introduction, background of the study from 10-19, chapter one enhances our purpose of the study. Chapter two deals with literature review, the literature has to do with the examination of the study previously done in relation to methodology, which means any effort to verify basic information, i.e data collection, population and sample, research design, sample techniques and data analysis techniques, there are also ways of sourcing data, the primary source and secondary source. Chapter four dwells on the presentation and analysis of data, this chapter deals with the presentation of data collected from questionnaires together with analysis and interpretation of findings. Chapter five involves all summary, conclusions and recommendations from the data collected and analysis made....
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