Home»Mechanical Engineering» Maintenance of 6.5 horse power generators (H.P)

Maintenance of 6.5 horse power generators (H.P)

 Department:Mechanical Engineering  
 By:usericon GodFirst  

 Project ID: 6052
 Rating:  (5.0) votes: 2
The most important thing in coupling a generator system is to know the parts that will come first before others and which one will house the others. This project on"servicing a generator’" called generator- was born out of the desire for self-servicing and replacing faulty parts of our own generator than going to a public mechanic. It contains the basic parts and functions of a generator, something you need to be familiar with before servicing. The fourth chapter is a complete illustrated step by guide to service a 6.5KVAGenerator. The step-by-step approach makes the work easy and ideal. Any person with simple adherence to this work can use this to maintain and couple a generator set. The total essence of this project work is to teach its reader how to maintain a generator without consulting a technician, this book has been made to illustrate the steps an individual needs to carry out a servicing or maintenance work in his or her power generating system. ...
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