The linguistic relevance of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s conception of language game in Nigeria Department:Philosophy By: felix123 Project ID: 708 Rating: (3.1) votes: 16 Price:₦1000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractThe question of language is prominent in human experience and existence. One of the unique attributes of man is that he has a language. He is called homologuens (the speaking man). This unique quality marks a great disparity between man and the animals. However, over the years, language owing to the fact that it is geared towards creating and understanding has become a problem for man. The problem lies mostly in the process of creating empathy with an audience. The linguistic philosophy of Ludwig Joseph Wittgenstein gave the 20th century humanities studies a‘linguistic turn’. Human language, because of this conception, became the center of scientific research and or reflection. The reason for this new direction is as a result of the understanding that human language creates the“real world” and the totality of the facts thereof. The“determinateness of sense”, truth condition” and‘linguistic autonomy’ are the consequences of what Wittgenstein calls“language games” which is the after effect of linguistic commitment and investment through the conflict of language use. In Nigeria where we speak more than 521 languages aimed at making language accessible for communication amongst the various domains of politics, socio-cultural and religion....Preview Download Preview +Other Philosophy project topics and materials you might be interested in»Is Man Really Free - An Evaluation of Thomas Aquinas View on the Problem of Freedom and Determinism»Jeanpaul sartres notion of absolute freedom - an ethical analysis and its implications for contemporary society»The linguistic relevance of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s conception of language game in Nigeria»Thomas Aquinas human dignity and Igbo society»An appraisal of Charles Sanders Peirce on abduction»J.S Mill on individual autonomy and the good life - a critique»Peter singers philosophical analysis on animal liberation»An examination of Wilhelm Leibniz theory of innate ideas»A philosophical analysis of Augustine’s notion of God’s existence»Islam’s perspective on euthanasia - an ethical analysis