Home»English» A comparative study of compounding and reduplication in English and Hausa languages

A comparative study of compounding and reduplication in English and Hausa languages

 By:usericon Bhajiya454545  

 Project ID: 7740
 Rating:  (5.0) votes: 1
This is a comparative study of compounding and reduplication in English and Hausa languages. The target population of the study was limited to the standard Hausa variety which is the Hausa spoken in Kano town. This study makes use of descriptive research design since the study intends to undertake a comparative study of compounding and reduplication processes in two different languages, English and Hausa.  The researcher visited several libraries particularly Bayero University, Kano, Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Department of English and Literary Studies, Kano– Nigeria. Data presentation and analysis revealed the Noun + Noun Compounding, Verbal Noun + Noun Compounding, Adjective + Noun Compounding and also Reduplication, Reduplication of Pluralization, Reduplication of Verb Intensivization, and Adjective + Noun Reduplication. Finally, recommendations were given that Teachers should learn from this study and be conversant with the differences and similarities in the word structures of the two languages. This is because the study will help the teacher to detect where to encounter problems. If such problems are not properly outlined, the learner is liable to commit errors in the English language. Teachers should emphasize teaching the differences where problems are arising using assorted prepared and improvised instructional materials and methods carefully chosen for planning and the development of actual classroom teaching of the target language. The use of oral drills and practices that are based on the English language word formation processes emphasizing how to surmount the negative transfer emanating from the Hausa language should be employed. ...
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