Home»Industrial and Production Engineering» A fuzzy-analytic hierarchy process for measuring flood resilience of a commercial property

A fuzzy-analytic hierarchy process for measuring flood resilience of a commercial property

 Department:Industrial and Production Engineering  
 By:usericon El_Zarh007  

 Project ID: 7920
 Rating:  (5.0) votes: 2
Recent climate change, altered rainfall patterns, melted snow, increasing sea levels, and rapid urbanization have all increased the risk of flooding. In order to reduce these risks and minimize damages, property-level resilience-enhancing strategies are increasingly being recommended as part of an integrated flood risk management it approach. Using information gathered from pertinent experts, this study seeks to give a qualitative template for determining the relative weight of objectively chosen property flood resistant measures using the concept of the Pairwise Comparison Matrix. There was a lot of uncertainty and imprecision in earlier analyses of data that used the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. This research reduces uncertainty and imprecision by employing a fuzzy analytic hierarchy technique based on geometric mean. The fuzzy theory is used to create a triangle of fuzzy numbers, which effectively turns the crisp numerical values into fuzzy members and reduces the measure's uncertainty and imprecision. From the relative weight generated, it is observed that the Building Design Structure measure, at 0.28, has the highest relative importance of all the chosen flood resilience measures, followed by the Building Types measure, at 0.12. This value suggests that structural measures are crucial to the system's level of resilience. The weighted average for the structural measures criteria is 0.71, non-structural measures are 0.19, and human measures are 0.1. From the result, it is concluded that the building design structure is the most important measure that affects property flood resilience which indicates that more emphasis should be placed on it than all other measures. The extent to which each criterion affects the system's resilience can be inferred from the value. ...
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