Home»Environmental Technology» Determination of some heavy metals concentration of soil in new extension Samaru dumpsite

Determination of some heavy metals concentration of soil in new extension Samaru dumpsite

 Department:Environmental Technology  
 By:usericon Bhudu2020  

 Project ID: 8279
 Rating:  (5.0) votes: 1
In this study, the variation in concentration of cadmium, copper, cobalt, and lead in the soil dumpsite in Lemu Primary School Samaru, Kaduna Nigeria was determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The concentrations of the heavy metals in the dumpsite soil were below the permissible limit of World Health Organization WHO (1996) and cadmium was above the threshold limit. These showed that the dumpsite soil will not pollute the study area, but probably if this composite is used as fertilizer for the cultivation of crops, there might be bioaccumulation of these heavy metals in the plant, which may be transmitted to animals or humans and eventually will cause some ill-health challenge to the species concerned. I therefore recommend that if will still be necessary to analyze the farm produces before consumption, which calls for proper waste management practices and policy implementation....
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