Carbon footprint of transportation activities and mitigation measure in the Polytechnic Ibadan Department:Civil Engineering By: elderpeter Project ID: 8294 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1 Price:₦4000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractGlobal climate change is the greatest concern nowadays, thus many companies and organizations are estimating the carbon footprint to assess their own contribution to the global temperature risings. Travel is a significant source of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions as, for each gallon of gasoline burnt, almost nine kilograms of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. With rapid urbanization, motorization remains one of the major transportation options in the bigger cities. This increasing motorization and demand for mobility have contributed to the increased carbon footprint due to travel. With the unprecedented increase in motorization, it is imperative to estimate and analyze on CO2 emissions due to travel so as to make various decisions for reducing carbon footprint in the transportation sector. In the present study, a survey is done to delineate contributing factors leading to carbon footprint due to transportation activities of an educational institute’s campus like The Polytechnic, Ibadan. An algorithm has been developed to estimate the carbon footprint, especially due to campus transportation activities. Based on this, a traffic count was conducted to calculate the carbon footprint. The overall carbon footprint for TPI’s campus due to vehicle transportation within three months in the academic year 2023-24 is estimated to be 176.63 ton/year, and the results were analyzed so as to develop a comprehensive understanding of carbon emissions impact on academic activities, hence recommend a mitigation measure to minimize its hazard. ...Preview Download Preview +Other Civil Engineering project topics and materials you might be interested in»Comparing the compressive strength of concrete made with sand as fine aggregate and with chipping dust as fine aggregate»The comparative study of the compressive strength of concrete made with granite to that made with river round stone (pebble) and local stone»The use of computer in civil engineering»Importance of timber in civil engineering construction»Construction and Installation of a Panel Door»Construction of wardrobe key study on wood work»Effect of street trading on traffic performance and control»Assessment of different types of foundation and their mode of construction»Comparison of soil bearing capacity of different locations in Imo state»Investigation into the suitability of sand and gravel materials commonly used in building construction»Investigating the effect of partial replacement of cement with eggshell powder in concrete production»An investigation in to the causes of cracks in building and possible solutions - a case study of Kukar Gesa community in Katsina metropolis»Determination of the causes, effects of environmental pollution and its possible control within Kwara and Osun state»Suitability of available laterite material in Ilorin East local government area for road construction»Model for prediction of rainfall intensity in Lagos