Detection of aflatoxin in and microbiological examination of stored pepper paste produced domestically Department:Biological Science By: elderpeter Project ID: 8297 Rating: (5.0) votes: 1 Price:₦4000 Get the Complete MaterialAbstractPepper paste produced and stored domestically can become contaminated by fungi that produce aflatoxin and this is of public health concern hence a preservative method that can prevent or reduce the level of contaminants should be employed to maintain the product's quality and to extend shelf-life. The aim of this study is to isolate fungi from and to detect Aflatoxin in stored pepper paste produced domestically. A total of 28 battles of pepper paste were produced and stored domestically, fourteen (14) samples of the pepper paste ware labeled as TP (Treated pastes) and the other fourteen (14) samples of the pepper paste were labeled as NT (Non-Treated paste). Fungal isolates were obtained from the samples using the pour plate method and standard procedures were used to carry out aflatoxin detection. Eleven (11) fungal isolates were identified from the pepper pastes and these include Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Penicillium chrysogenum, Fusarium oxysporum Aspergilus niger, Aspergilus flavus, Fonicilfiumm digitatum, Penicillium digitatum, Fusarium solani. Six (54.5%) were from TP and five (45.5%) were from NT. The most occurring fungal isolate were Penicillium chrysogenum, Fusarum oxysporum, Penicillium digitatum and Aspergillus niger. Both Treated and Non-Treated pepper pastes were examined for Aflatoxin contamination. The selected pepper pastes were examined for Aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, and G2....Preview Download Preview +Other Biological Science project topics and materials you might be interested in»Effect of role-play method on academic achievement of biology students in selected secondary schools in Kano metropolis»An investigation into the management and utilization of biological gardens in tertiary institution in Kano state»Isolation and identification of Helminth parasites of public health importance from commercial aquaculture ponds water within Kano metropolitan»Awareness and preventive measures of HIV/AIDS among undergraduates in Isiala Ngwa south local government area»A study of antibacterial activity of Zea Mays and Cymbopogan Citrasus on bacteria isolated from urine of pregnant women»Availability and utilization of laboratory resources in teaching and learning biology in Enugu north local government area of Enugu state»Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity of Pourpartia birrea»Effects of some classes of insecticides Onclarias Gariepinus juveniles»Isolation and identification of helminthes parasites of public health importance from commercial aquaculture ponds water within Kano metropolitan»Assessment of seed extract of pignut Jatropha Curcas for the control of beans weevil Callosobruchus Maculatus»An analysis of the conceptual knowledge of drug abuse among biology students»Survey of insect pest infestation of trees in Kano zoological garden»Bacteriological quality assessment of sundried meat (Kilishi) sold in Katsina metropolis»Welfare profile of African catfish (Clarias Garipinus) exposed to senna occidentalis leaf powder»Isolation and identification of fungi in Nana hostel at Bayero university, Kano