Home»Building Technology» Control of Noise Pollution and Sound Insulation in Buildings ( A Case Study of a Broadcasting Studio)

Control of Noise Pollution and Sound Insulation in Buildings ( A Case Study of a Broadcasting Studio)

 Department:Building Technology  
 By:usericon emeka1234  

 Project ID: 96
 Rating:  (2.5) votes: 505
This research entails the ways in which noise/sound is transmitted into and out of the building wind in a given environment with much emphasis on special buildings (radio station or television house). In this study, an investigation related with noise which is one of the pollution on people was carried out.  The various methods of controlling the effect of such noise to agree with minimum intensity of audibility for a normal person without impaired hearing were closely examined. Hence, noise control and sound Insulation in special buildings were adequate sound proofing is needed, are achieved by good site investigations, good data collection, and analysis, effective and good approach to sound proofing techniques and the use of suitable materials.  It also includes proper use of acoustic principles with regards to the various constructional methods and material available. As a result of noise measurements, the necessary measures to decrease/control this noise were specified....
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